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My Poetry

These are poems that I wrote a long time ago.

Tomorrow is the day, the day I will call her, the day I will see him.
Tomorrow has become today and passed - so have they.
They are gone and tomorrow is yesterday.
Tomorrow is the day, the day I will tell him of my love and show her how very much she means.
Tomorrow has become today and passed - so have they.
They are gone and tomorrow is yesterday.
Let tomorrow be the day, the day you speak, the day you cry.
Tomorrow will become today and then pass - and so will they.
They will be gone and tomorrow will be yesterday.

The longing, the aching,

is more than I can bear.

How can I miss someone

I’ve never met?

But as much as I wish to forget,

I still care;

Still think of stirrings,

little feet, and lullabies.

Sometimes I can smell

that sweet scent.

In my dreams I see

his tiny smiles

as I cry.

Impossible to explain,

missing someone

I’ve never met.


Again, Oh Lord,

I did it again.

Is that 10 times today

or 100?

Why is it so hard?

I need to know why.

Just when I find

the first mend

I see more

black loose threads.

Again, Lord,

I did it again.

My angry voice,

scraping a pit to China.

I want to give up,

to scream and cry.

I long for the rage

of a childish fit.

Self wages war

on my soul.

Again, Lord, again.

One slip of the tongue

And another lost battle.

Another and another –

Oh, stop me!

I try to forget that

this war will never end,

like a mechanical bull

with me in the saddle.

Again, again, again!

Self jabs, bites,

laughs, torments.

My soul shrinks and cowers,

forgetting its massive reserves

closely bending,

waiting for a message,

a whisper sent.

Again! Again! Again!

Wait! Finally,

the candle shines through.

The whisper resounds

through the towers.

Aching, crumpled,

warm hope soothes.

My soul will push forward

‘til the next time.
