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Some authors have one or two books that aren't that good, but the rest are up-all-nighters.

Here are some that are worth the droopy eyes the next morning!


Dean Koontz
- Just about any book, depends on if you like good or bad endings and if you like to see through the good or evil eyes. Mystery, horror, sf, great plots, a little something for everyone.
- Skipping Christmas is a season must read! So amusing, and very different from his other books. It's very funny and also gives a little wake-up call to the season while still putting you in the real Christmas mood (love, not shopping).
- He also writes Santa's Twin (and the sequel) for kids and preteens. My kids loved this book. One of his characters in a book started writing it for his kids and Koontz got so many email demands for the whole story that he made it a book.
Orson Scott Card
- Songmaster (SF or Fantasy), for anyone who feels a song in every situation.
- Ender's Game and others in group (SF), very different. Genius kids & warfare.
Paticia Cornwell
- She writes mystery and psychological horror. Her main character is Dr. Scarpetta (a forensic pathologist). Like SCI? Here's an author for you!
Robin Jones Gunn
- She writes the Sisterchicks books. These are funny, insightful, interesting stories about christian women. I enjoyed the whole series, but the first 2 were better than the following ones.


The Hot Zone     by Richard Preston - action, gore, terrifying real viruses that melt you from the inside out.
The Hobbit      by J.R.R. Tokien - I'm sure all of you have seen the Lord of the Rings movies, but The Hobbit was just brushed on by. This book may be a little slow or heavy for those with short attention spans, but if you like to really lose yourself in a book...here it is.

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